~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ProjectPier Change Log ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------- Version 0.8.6 December 31 2010 (stable) --------------------------------------- Features: - Added (company) - Link to show company location in Google maps. - Added (config) - Many hardcoded values have become configurable. - Added (cookies) - Login page offers option to clear cookies. - Added (date) - Date formats can be set in language/general.php. - Added (debug) - Debug is turned on when ?debug is in the URL. DEBUG removed from configuration file. - Added (email) - Configuration option to ignore email uniqueness when adding user/editing profile. - Added (error) - A fatal error shows a page which can be sent to the development team. Added (jquery) - jQuery has been added for client side JavaScripting. - Added (jquery-ui) - jQuery ui for nice user interface intereaction. - Added (login) - Multiple options available on login page. - Added (page) - Request processing time displayed in footer. - Added (project) - Projects can have a logo now. - Added (project) - Projects can be copied including milestones, tasks etc. - Added (rss) - RSS feeds trigger browsers to display feed button. - Added (trace) - Trace is turned on when ?trace is in the URL. - Added (welcome) - The admin Welcome page is now a Welcome project with a number of tasks. - Added (wiki) - Plugin: Wiki. - Added (Node 133) - New field "Homepage" in the user profile. - Added (Node 260) - Formatting of tasks is preserved in task list and on my tasks. - Added (Node 328) - Application logs can be styled via css now. - Added (Node 428) - Per-project activity logs. - Added (Node 457) - Bug/issue tracker. - Added (Node 457#24) - Default ticket categories - Added (Node 491) - iCalender feed has pending tasks now. - Added (Node 494) - Improved top user navigation. - Added (Node 572) - Support for redirect url after logout. - Added (Node 761) - Edit and delete option for each task in my task (dashboard). - Added (Node 847) - Plugin framework (plugins, permissions) plus Wiki as plugin. - Added (Node 920) - Time Management (also Node 259, 349) - Added (Node 1049) - RSS Item description. - Added (Node 1198) - Comments on tasks and task list plus notifications. - Added (Node 1216) - Implemented a number of suggestions for a better UX. - Added (Node 1223) - Support to set the first day of the week. - Added (Node 1238) - Private comments are now tagged private so theme developers may format them differently. - Added (Node 1252) - GUI Updates: Page Actions as Inner Tabs - Added (Node 1287) - GUI Updates: Progressbar. - Added (Node 1338) - Support for LDAP authentication. - Added (Node 1395) - Support Reply To and Mail From for notifications. - Added (Node 1527) - Project tasks can be downloaded in Excel format. - Added (Node 1572) - Permission option for regular users to create projects. - Added (Node 1702) - Date selection with pop up, due date for task and task list. - Added (Node 1730) - Remember login lifetime can be configured now. - Added (Node 1873) - Random value generated in URLs to defeat caching. Added (Node 1899) - Avatars from gravatar.com can be used. Added (Node 1903) - Set milestones based on project creation. Added (Node 1907) - Marine is the default theme. - Added (Node 1911) - Date selection with pop up, due date for task and task list. - Added (Node 1912) - Links begin with http:// if no :// present. - Added (Node 1915) - Wiki pages are always displayed in the side bar. - Added (Node 1920) - Configuration option for setting the default (y/n) for private option. - Added (Node 1923) - Links and files are copied properly now. Files are not duplicated in content. - Added (Node 1953) - Task lists can be copied within a project. - Added (Node 1953) - Task lists can be moved to another project. - Added (Node 1961) - Dashboard shows open tickets for projects a user is connected to. - Added (Node 1963) - Task due dates are now saved properly. - Changed (favicon) - The favicon.ico of projectpier.org is used (transparent). Changed (files) - Revisions retain the original filename. - Changed (files) - Separate Add revision view, removed from Edit file. - Changed (files) - Plugin: Files. - Changed (forms) - Plugin: Forms. - Changed (plugins) - Plugin framework structure simplified, view enhanced. - Changed (tags) - Plugin: Tags. - Changed (tasklist) - Sanitized the view and corrected a number of errors. - Changed (tickets) - Plugin: Tickets (see Node 457 above). - Changed (time mgt) - Plugin: Time Management. - Changed (title) - Window title is in sync with page. - Changed (user) - Add user saves then edits account permissions. - Changed (Node 1247) - GUI Updates: Members removed from user interface. - Changed (Node 1248) - GUI Updates: Userbox. - Removed (languages) - All languages except en_us are removed. - Removed (themes) - All themes except marine are removed - Removed (yui) - All Yahoo UI functionality has been removed. Removed (Node 1904) - Invoice has been removed. Too confusing as example. Issues: - Fixed (Node 101) - Clear error message when directories are missing during install. - Fixed (Node 285) - Upload to file system works. - Fixed (Node 493) - RSS Feed does not affect user activity anymore. - Fixed (Node 719) - Non company users can attach files now. - Fixed (Node 720) - Missing references to database link present now. - Fixed (Node 798) - All activeCollab references removed. - Fixed (Node 885) - CSS style tag replaced with class tag. - Fixed (Node 991) - Application can now be reached via IP address. - Fixed (Node 1009) - Dutch translation updated. - Fixed (Node 1045) - Upload file fails when open basedir is active. - Fixed (Node 1061) - Code improvement. - Fixed (Node 1087) - All languages in UTF8. - Fixed (Node 1093) - Large dimension images now generate a dummy thumbnail. - Fixed (Node 1112) - Long type strings are now supported. - Fixed (Node 1113) - Transparancy support for 32/64 bit PNG. - Fixed (Node 1163) - Long type strings are now supported. - Fixed (Node 1194) - String conversions are now unicode-aware. - Fixed (Node 1250) - GMT is now the default timezone, not gmt. - Fixed (Node 1344) - Code fixed: added ProjectFile::getViewUrl(), fixed ProjectFiles.class.php. - Fixed (Node 1355) - Download file with proper file name. - Fixed (Node 1480) - German translation updated. - Fixed (Node 1508) - Users cannot see each others task list anymore. - Fixed (Node 1622) - Text parts in comments and descriptions are clickable if they look like links. - Fixed (Node 1641) - Valid URLs are now recognized. - Fixed (Node 1649) - Downloading filesystem files in chunks (streaming). - Fixed (Node 1721) - Upload file fails when open basedir is active. - Fixed (Node 1856) - Upload file fails when open basedir is active. - Fixed (Node 1909) - Installation removes autoloader and logs files. - Fixed (Node 1916) - Open tasks drop down to wide in page Add Time. - Closed (Node 259) - Absorbed in 920 (see Features) - Closed (Node 439) - IE6 SP2 is not a target platform. - Closed (Node 697) - Solved by 1198 (see Features) - Closed (Node 950) - Solved by 1198 (see Features) - Closed (Node 1236) - Development fails to reproduce error. - Closed (Node 1554) - Installed XAMPP with PP. No problems when clicking on the links. - Closed (Node 1662) - Installed XAMPP with PP. No problems. - Closed (Node 1761) - Solved by 1223 (see Features) Known Problems: - None -------------------------------- Version Beta 1 June 2009 -------------------------------- Features: - Added (Node 28) - A calendar view of milestones - Added two new themes: "zura1" and "zura-blue-steel" - Added 8 new translations: Bulgarian, Czech, Mexican Spanish, Finnish, French, Italian, Lithuanian, Continental Portuguese, and Russian Bug Fixes: - Fixed (Node 685) - Milestones coming due the next day said "one days" instead of "one day". - Fixed (Node 506) - Type "Create new account for you" should be "Create a new account for you". - Fixed (Node 721) - No email notification when comments are added. - Fixed (Node 843) - Cookies not expiring with browser closes - Fixed (Node 797) - Remove redundant tags automtically - Fixed (Node 743) - GIF format company logo with transparency now displays properly. - Fixed (Node 1262) - Documentation for ProjectPier not consistent with the project's code standards: capitalized file names where needed. - Fixed (Node 1038) - Pagination for search now works correctly. - Fixed (Node 1237) - Comments to private messages are now forced to be private. - Fixed (Node 437) - Security: Users can no longer download files from projects they are not assigned to by manipulating the URL. ---------------------------- Version 16 June 2008 ---------------------------- - Fixed (Node 721) - Correct variable misspelling - Fixed (Node 588) - Fixed DB scheme for storing timezone ---------------------------- Version 15 Feb 2008 ---------------------------- - Fixed (Node 629) - Added missing XSRF files from - Minor code cleanups ---------------------------- Version 12 Feb 2008 ---------------------------- - Fixed (Node 665) - multiple XSS vulnerabilities - Fixed (Node 629) - XSRF when deleting companies, users or projects - Fixed (Node 455) - code unified to coding standards - Changed all files to be in Unix text file format ----------------------------------- Version 0.8.0 (final) 22 Sept 2007 ----------------------------------- - Added new Continental Portuguese translation - Fixed (Node 225) - Downloading files does not work with Internet Explorer under https protocol ---------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.8.0 Release Candidate 1 (0.8.0RC1) 03 Sept 2007 ---------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed (Node 96) - cache, upload, and public/files folders did not exist in distribution zip file - Fixed (Node 98) - Installation - colors / line break in installation screens Created a whole new layout scheme for 'Complete the Installation' screen, now separate css from login screen. - Fixed (Node 99) - added a link to public/install folder on - Fixed (Node 100) - added a 'retry' button to 2nd page on installation screen - Fixed (Node 114) - resolved problems with mailer on some systems - Fixed (Node 121) - A new cookie system has been implemented, each installation should be completely unique now. - Added 13 alternate languages - Brand new default theme (old default theme included as acClassic) - New theme 'goCollabMonochrome' included - Message and comment email notification subject lines optimized for threading For Messages: ProjectTitle - MessageTitle For Comments: ProjectTitle - MessageTitle For Milestones: ProjectTitle - Milestone has been assigned to you - MilestoneName - Modified the notification message system for Messages, Comments, and Milestones so that the message body is included in the notification email (optional configuration in config.php). ---------------------------- Version 0.8-dev 23 Jun 2007 ---------------------------- - Rebranded the product from activeCollab to ProjectPier - Updated installation screens to add more information